Artopia is the next step up from our Messy Moments class. As they get older, children are able to work more independently and are interested in more challenging projects. This is a great class to get your child more involved in art. Children will explore art using a plethora of media and mediums such as acrylic, watercolors, plaster, paper mache, clay, drawing, coloring and so much more. We will even be introducting them to the most famous artists in history with crafts and projects geared espeically for them. This is not a “drop-off” class. Parents are welcome to sit with their child or on the side at another table.
Please arrive on-time so we can complete everything planned in the time allotted.
With the colder months upon us, if you or your child are not feeling well, please just give us a call and we will be happy to change your registration to another week.
Each week is $15.00 for the 1st child and $10.00 for each additional sibling.
Monthy discount is only offered on the first week of the month.